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Professional Advice On Selling A House with 247 Team

Professional Advice On Selling A House with 247 Team

Professional Advice On Selling A House with 247 Team


Of course you should clean up the house when you are trying to sell it. But what else can you do to get it sold fast, and at a higher price?

Maybe you've read lots of advice on selling a house. But do you know the biggest mistake many people make when selling a house? Not understanding the properties actual value.

You see, it doesn't matter what you think your home is worth. It doesn't matter what you did to make in nicer for your family. The value of your home is determined by buyers. What you enjoyed about your house may be irrelevant when it's time to sell. Think in terms of what buyers want, and use some of the following advice on selling a house.

1. Know the market. What other similar houses have sold for? Have those examples ready to show potential buyers.

2. Decide on a minimum price - the price below which you just won't move. Don't tell us what  or any other agent what the minimum is, but negotiate with any buyers who make an offer near or above it.

3. Concentrate on the visible things first. A new garden gate and new front door is often a good idea. When buyers fall in love with the house before they even enter it, they forgive a lot of problems.

4. Clean the surrounding areas. If a neighbour’s garden is a mess, give their kids a tenner to pick up the rubbish. Spend £50 to put flowers in any common-areas, and buyers will have a better first impression of the neighbourhood. Book your viewing early morning when its quiet and most are in bed.

5. If you or your estate agent aren't getting many calls, try something new. Is more advertising necessary? Is the price too high? If price is the problem, drop it fast. That perfect buyer might pass on by while the home is still over-priced. Compare to others on your street or withing ¼ of a mile

6. Listen to prospective buyers. They will be more objective than you. If you hear several times that the kitchen is dark, get out the white paint or buy a led light fitting or bigger brighter bulbs.

7. Find the average sales time for your area. If your house is taking longer than average to sell, there's a problem, and usually it's the price.

 8. Ask your real estate agent what she plans to do - before you sign a listing agreement. Write down what she says, and hold her to her promises.

9. If there are known problems, such as an old roof, get an estimate for repairs. The sellers may over guess the price and scare themselves off buying - until you show them its cheaper than you think genuine estimates.

10. Do improvements that can realistically get you at least a two-to-one return on investment. If 500 to redo the driveway and increase the sale by 1500 to the sales price of the home, do it. Always consider first those things that are most visible and appealing.

There are dozens of things you can do to sell your house faster, and get a better price. Start with the ones that will get the most "bang for your buck." Also, read and USE good advice on selling a house.

We are here for you, we can offer free advise and help sell your home. Most of our properties are sold in days not months.

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